Fun with Flowers

Fun with Flowers

Fun with Flowers is a workshop created by the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. WPGC provides materials and demonstrations for making a flower arrangement determined by the Chairman. Attendees at the workshop create an arrangement to take it with them. Guidance of how to place greenery and flowers is exhibited along with tips for the design to last longer. We won the first place award in our division for the FFGC state awards show in 2018.
Who can attend Fun with Flowers?

WPGC offers Fun with Flowers for members and guests three times a year. A prototype shown at a previous meeting along with a sign- up list. Information for a class is also included in the previous monthly newsletter.

How to attend a Fun with Flowers?

Cost: $25.00 payable in advance for members. $30.00 for non- members.

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Joining our club offers a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts, learn new techniques, get inspired, and make a positive difference in the community through our various projects.


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